NOLA on Tap

As my first month here comes to a close, I am getting more and more convinced that moving to New Orleans was a turning point in my life. My entire life has been spent on the beaches of New Jersey and in the shadow of New York, so moving to the south has been a jarring experience. The weather, the people, even the plants (and insects) are different. 

An experience that stood out was volunteering at NOLA on Tap, a festival the SPCA hosts every year to raise money for animals. I signed up for the roaming team, where we were sent to whatever area of the festival needed extra hands. I helped check IDs, sold and distributed tickets, and set up tents and booths. Volunteering is always a good time, but doing it with the new friends I made was a great bonding experience too. I spent 4 hours on that Saturday and am glad I was able to use my time to help animals in need. 

Speaking of new friends, my friends and I have been studying after school almost every day this past month. The Pharmacology program started the year off full speed with an exam two weeks in and another exam two weeks after that. We were able to pull together and help each other ace the exams and my whole study group did great. 

See you next month!


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